Heidelberg Parking

Heidelberg Parking

On-Street Parking:

There are different types of parking meters for on-street parking: residents only, pre-paid ticket and parking disc.

The residents only areas will be clearly noted with a sign stating “Bewohner mit parkausweis” on it. Do not park in these spaces – you will be towed.

If you park in a parking ticket area, the sign will indicate “mit parkschein”. The pre-paid tickets can be purchased at a ticket machine, usually located in the middle of the block. There is always a maximum time limit on these, so if you intend to stay longer, you will need to come back and purchase another ticket. To get a ticket, put in your money and press the green button. Your ticket will come out, with the time at which the ticket expires. This you willl need to put on the dashboard of your car.

Notes on parking ticket machines:

1. You must pay for a minimum amount of time, no matter how long you plan to stay.

2. Not all machines allow you to stay for the same length of time, so check. Some only allow for 1/2 hour, while others let you park for up to two hours.

3. Not all ticket machines accept all types of change (most do not accept the 1, 2, and 5 cent coins, but some do not take €1 & €2 coins either). Be prepared to use the 10, 20 & 50 cent pieces.

The parking disc areas are indicated by “mit Parkscheibe” on the sign. To use the blue parking disc, simply set the clock to the time you are leaving your car, and place the disc on your dashboard. The sign will tell you how much time you are allowed to stay, usually one to two hours.

Parking Garages:

Almost all of the parking garages are automated, making it necessary to understand how the system works – since it is in German.

Upon entering, stop at the machine and get your ticket by pushing the button. Do not leave the ticket in the car – bring it with you. (You will need to pay before you return to your car.) Ticket machines are located at the pedestrian entrance of the garages. To pay, put your ticket in the machine – it will then tell you how much money is due. After you have inserted the necessary fee (both coins and bills are accepted), your change and stamped ticket will be returned to you. Upon exiting the garage, put your stamped ticket into the machine to open the gate.

parking garage locations

P0 Am Bismarckplatz
P1 Poststraße
P2 Bauhaus
P3 Crowne Plaza
P4 Darmstädter Hof
P5 Europäischer Hof
P6 Kraus
P7 Kaufhof
P8 Kongresshaus
P9 Am Theater
P10 Fr.-Ebert-Platz
P11 Unibibliothek
P12 Kornmarkt / Schloss
P13 Karlsplatz / Rathaus
P14 ATOS-Klinik
P15 Klinikum Bergheim
P16 Nordbrückenkopf
P17 Stadtbücherei

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